Czasowniki regularne i nieregularne
W języku angielskim występują dwie formy czasowników, regularne lub nieregularne. Zrozumienie różnicy między nimi jest bardzo ważne dla nauki języka angielskiego. Czasowniki regularne mają stały wzorzec odmiany, podczas gdy czasowniki nieregularne, jak sugeruje nazwa, przyjmują nieregularne formy. W tym artykule omówimy znaczenie czasowników regularnych i nieregularnych oraz przedstawimy tabelkę z przykładami na poziomie od A1 do A2+.(czyli na poziomie egzaminu ósmoklasisty).
Czasowniki regularne są łatwe do zapamiętania, ponieważ mają jednolity wzorzec koniugacji dla wszystkich czasów i osób. Aby utworzyć formy czasowników regularnych, dodajemy końcówkę “-ed” do ich podstawowej formy, czyli formy w czasie teraźniejszym.
Czasownik “to work” (pracować) w czasie przeszłym przyjmuje formę “worked” (pracował/pracowała).
Oto kilka przykładów czasowników regularnych:
to play (grać) | played (grał/grała)
to study (uczyć się) | studied (uczył/uczyła się)
to watch (oglądać) | watched (oglądał/oglądała)
to talk (rozmawiać) | talked (rozmawiał/rozmawiała)
Teraz przejdźmy do czasowników nieregularnych, które nie podlegają regularnym wzorcom odmiany. Czasowniki nieregularne mają unikalne formy dla różnych czasów. Oznacza to, że musimy je zapamiętać jako oddzielne słowa. Przykłady czasowników nieregularnych znajdują się w poniższej tabeli:
|Forma podstawowa | Past simple | Past participle | Tłumaczenie | Przykładowe zdanie|
| arise | arose | arisen | powstawać | The sun arose early in the morning. |
| be | was / were | been | być | They were happy to see each other. |
| beat | beat | beaten | bić | She beat him in the race. |
| become | became | become | stawać się | He became a doctor after years of studying. |
| begin | began | begun | zaczynać | The concert began at 8 PM. |
| bend | bent | bent | zginać | He bent the metal rod with his hands. |
| bite | bit | bitten | gryźć | The dog bit the mailman. |
| bleed | bled | bled | krwawić | She cut her finger and it started bleeding. |
| blow | blew | blown | dmuchać | The wind blew fiercely during the storm. |
| break | broke | broken | łamać | He broke his leg while playing soccer. |
| bring | brought | brought | przynosić | She brought a cake for the party. |
| broadcast | broadcast | broadcast | nadawać | The radio station broadcast the news. |
| build | built | built | budować | They built a new house in the neighborhood. |
| burn | burnt | burnt | palić | The fire burnt down the entire building. |
| burst | burst | burst | pękać | The balloon burst when she sat on it. |
| buy | bought | bought | kupować | He bought a new car last week. |
| catch | caught | caught | łapać | She caught the ball with one hand. |
| choose | chose | chosen | wybierać | They chose the blue shirt for the party. |
| come | came | come | przychodzić | He came to visit us yesterday. |
| cost | cost | cost | kosztować | The ticket cost $10. |
| creep | crept | crept | skradać się | The cat crept silently towards the mouse. |
| cut | cut | cut | ciąć | She cut her hair short for the summer. |
| deal | dealt | dealt | rozdawać | He dealt the cards to all the players. |
| dig | dug | dug | kopać | They dug a hole in the garden for planting. |
| do | did | done | robić | She did her homework before dinner. |
| draw | drew | drawn | rysować | He drew a beautiful picture of a sunset. |
| dream | dreamt | dreamt | śnić | She dreamt about flying through the sky. |
| drink | drank | drunk | pić | He drank a glass of water after exercising. |
| drive | drove | driven | prowadzić | She drove her friends to the airport. |
| eat | ate | eaten | jeść | They ate pizza for dinner last night. |
| fall | fell | fallen | upadać | The leaves fell from the trees in autumn. |
| feed | fed | fed | karmić | She fed the birds in the park. |
| feel | felt | felt | czuć | He felt a sense of relief after the exam. |
| fight | fought | fought | walczyć | They fought bravely in the battle. |
| find | found | found | znaleźć | She found her lost keys in the drawer. |
| fly | flew | flown | latać | The birds flew south for the winter. |
| forbid | forbade | forbidden | zabraniać | They forbade smoking in the building. |
| forget | forgot | forgotten | zapominać | He forgot his keys and had to ask for help. |
| forgive | forgave | forgiven | wybaczać | She forgave him for his mistake. |
| freeze | froze | frozen | zamarzać | The lake froze during the winter. |
| get | got | got | otrzymać | He got a new job with a higher salary. |
| give | gave | given | dawać | She gave him a present for his birthday. |
| go | went | gone | iść | They went to the park to play soccer. |
| grow | grew | grown | rosnąć | The flowers grew beautifully in the garden. |
| hang | hung | hung | wisieć | She hung the painting on the wall. |
| have | had | had | mieć | He had a great time at the party. |
| hear | heard | heard | słyszeć | They heard a loud noise in the distance. |
| hide | hid | hidden | chować | He hid the treasure in a secret location. |
| hit | hit | hit | uderzać | She hit the ball with a strong swing. |
| hold | held | held | trzymać | He held the baby in his arms. |
| hurt | hurt | hurt | ranić | She hurt her knee while playing soccer. |
| keep | kept | kept | trzymać | They kept the secret between themselves. |
| kneel | knelt | knelt | klęczeć | He knelt down to tie his shoelaces. |
| know | knew | known | wiedzieć | She knew the answer to the question. |
| lay | laid | laid | kłaść | They laid the table for dinner. |
| lead | led | led | prowadzić | He led the team to victory. |
| lean | leant | leant | pochylać się | She leant against the wall and relaxed. |
| learn | learnt | learnt | uczyć się | They learnt a new language in school. |
| leave | left | left | opuszczać | He left the party early and went home. |
| lend | lent | lent | pożyczać | She lent him her car for the weekend. |
| let | let | let | pozwalać | They let their dog run freely in the park. |
| lie | lay | lain | leżeć | The cat lay on the couch all day. |
| light | lit | lit | zapalać | He lit the candles for a romantic atmosphere. |
| lose | lost | lost | gubić | She lost her keys and couldn’t find them. |
| make | made | made | robić | He made a delicious cake for dessert. |
| mean | meant | meant | znaczyć | The red traffic light means “stop.” |
| meet | met | met | spotykać | They met at the coffee shop for a chat. |
| pay | paid | paid | płacić | She paid the bill at the restaurant. |
| put | put | put | kłaść | He put his keys on the table. |
| read | read | read | czytać | She read a book before going to bed. |
| ride | rode | ridden | jeździć | They rode their bicycles in the park. |
| ring | rang | rung | dzwonić | The phone rang in the middle of the night. |
| rise | rose | risen | podnosić się | The sun rose above the horizon. |
| run | ran | run | biegać | He ran a marathon and finished first. |
| say | said | said | mówić | She said goodbye to her friends. |
| see | saw | seen | widzieć | They saw a beautiful sunset on the beach. |
| sell | sold | sold | sprzedawać | He sold his old car and bought a new one. |
| send | sent | sent | wysyłać | She sent a letter to her grandmother. |
| set | set | set | ustawiać | They set the table for dinner. |
| sew | sewed | sewn | szyć | She sewed a button onto her shirt. |
| shake | shook | shaken | trząść | He shook the bottle before opening it. |
| shine | shone | shone | świecić | The sun shone brightly in the sky. |
| shoot | shot | shot | strzelać | She shot an arrow at the target. |
| shrink | shrank | shrunk | kurczyć się | The sweater shrank after washing it. |
| shut | shut |shut | zamykać | He shut the door and locked it. |
| sing | sang | sung | śpiewać | They sang their favorite song together. |
| sink | sank | sunk | tonąć | The ship sank in the stormy sea. |
| sit | sat | sat | siedzieć | She sat on the bench and enjoyed the view. |
| sleep | slept | slept | spać | He slept peacefully throughout the night. |
| slide | slid | slid | ślizgać się | The children slid down the slippery slide. |
| smell | smelt | smelt | wąchać | She smelt the roses in the garden. |
| sow | sowed | sown | siać | They sowed seeds in the garden for flowers. |
| speak | spoke | spoken | mówić | He spoke English fluently. |
| spell | spelt/spelled | spelt/spelled | przeliterować | She spelt her name letter by letter. |
| spend | spent | spent | spędzać | They spent their vacation at the beach. |
| spill | spilt | spilt | rozlać | She accidentally spilt coffee on her shirt. |
| spit | spat | spat | pluć | He spat out the bitter taste of the medicine. |
| split | split | split | dzielić | They split the cake into equal pieces. |
| spoil | spoilt | spoilt | psuć | The milk spoilt after being left out overnight. |
| spread | spread | spread | rozprzestrzeniać | The news spread quickly throughout the town. |
| spring | sprang | sprung | skakać | The cat sprang onto the table. |
| stand | stood | stood | stać | He stood in line to buy tickets for the show. |
| steal | stole | stolen | kraść | She stole his heart with her smile. |
| stick | stuck | stuck | przyklejać | He stuck the poster on the wall. |
| sting | stung | stung | użądlić | The bee stung her on the arm. |
| strike | struck | struck | uderzyć | He struck the ball with great force. |
| swear | swore | sworn | przysięgać | She swore to tell the truth in court. |
| sweep | swept | swept | zamiatać | They swept the floor before guests arrived. |
| swell | swelled | swollen | puchnąć | His ankle swelled after the injury. |
| swim | swam | swum | pływać | They swam across the lake to the other side. |
| swing | swung | swung | huśtać | She swung on the swing in the park. |
| take | took | taken | brać | He took a book from the shelf to read. |
| teach | taught | taught | uczyć | She taught English at the language school. |
Czasowniki regularne i nieregularne odgrywają kluczową rolę w języku angielskim. Znając ich formy i umiejętność ich poprawnego użycia, możemy skonstruować poprawne zdania i wyrazić nasze myśli precyzyjny sposób. Pamiętajmy, że nauka czasowników nieregularnych wymaga dużo pracy. Regularne powtarzanie odmiany czasowników pomoże w rozwijaniu płynności językowej i pewności w komunikacji w języku angielskim.
Poniżej znajdziecie zadanie, polegające na uzupełnieniu tabelki z pustymi lukami.